Med Sleds to the Rescue

Devices could help save non-mobile seniors in an emergency.

If a seatbelt factory ever produced a Crazy Carpet, it might well look like a Med Sled.

The flexible plastic stretchers, outfitted with an array of buckles and belts, looks a little odd. But Niagara Region believes they would come in handy should any of its long-term care homes need to be evacuated.“It’s part of our emergency preparedness planning,” said Maureen Shantz, senior manager for resident care in Niagara.
She said the Region often updates its emergency response plans, and during a recent look at them the question of how to evacuate residents of long-term care homes who are not very mobile or are confined to a bed was raised.

“We hope to never have to evacuate one of our homes, but if we do we want to be prepared,” she said. “This allows us to get some of the residents out quickly.”

A person can be wrapped in the Med Sled, made by ARC Products, strapped in and then dragged through hallways or down stairs to get them outside if a building needs to be evacuated.

To get someone down the stairs, the sled is secured to a railing and slowly lowered on a long strap.

Shantz said when the Region investigated the sleds, they sought input from local firefighters. She said while the fire departments did not sign off on the devices, they provided positive feedback.

Shantz said the Region has purchased 62 sleds for approximately $6,000. Staff training at Niagara’s long-term care homes is ongoing, she said.

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