Equipment is a critical component to your emergency evacuation plans. If you have to many, you are wasting precious funding, to few and you are putting lives at risk. At Med Sled® we take great pride in the services and assistance we provide our customers as they work through this balance. We understand that every hospital is unique and as such will require a unique solution. One of the services we offer our customers is a detailed Emergency Evacuation Equipment Readiness Assessment. We spend a great deal of time working with you to understand your needs, protocols, facilities layout and patient care. With this data we can simulate your equipment needs, determine the proper mix of evacuation equipment and provide “What If” scenario to determine the proper balance of resources and time needed to effectively and efficiently evacuate your facilities.
If you would like more information on this service please go to our Support Services Section or contact your Regional Sales Manager.
Posted in: Hospitals & Nursing Homes